Autonomous Vehicles

In 2022, the European Commission adopted the first worldwide legislation concerning the type-approval of the Automated Driving Systems of fully Automated Vehicles, opening the road to their introduction to the European market. The EU, in this way, becomes the first market in the world where this new generation of vehicles can be placed with a complete and unambiguous legislative framework. In order to define the conditions for the type-approval of vehicles operating without the presence of a driver, the EU Regulation 2022/1426 introduces a series of completely innovative elements that both industry and the Approval Authorities of the European Member States have the task to operationalise. In order to support this phase and to ensure the establishment of as harmonized as possible practices across the EU, the European Commission has launched in 2022 the process of drafting a first interpretation of some among the most innovative aspects of the Regulation. The present report is the result of this process. It has been drafted with the active contribution by the experts who compose the Automated and Connected Vehicles sub-group of the Working Group on Motor Vehicles (MVWG-ACV). In its final form the report is composed by two parts. A first part of technical interpretation of the regulatory text and a second part composed by six appendixes providing examples and relevant resources to support the operationalization of different aspects of the legislation.

Why Autonomous Driving?

Traffic without fatalities, zero accidents, that’s the goal. But how? As long as cars and trucks are driven by people, accidents will be inevitable, people will always make mistakes.

The EU Regulation 2022/1426 has opened the road to the market introduction and deployment of fully automated vehicles in Europe. It defines minimum safety requirements that vehicles needs to fulfil and different validation methods to assess their performances. Being the first regulation developed worldwide for the type-approval of fully automated vehicles, it introduces various elements of completely innovative character. In order to support ADS developers and Approval Authorities in the application of the Regulation and in order to ensure that related practices around the EU may be as harmonized as possible, the European Commission has initiated the process to provide an interpretation to some of the most innovative aspects of the legislation. The work has been carried out by the experts of the ACV sub-group of the Working Group on Motor Vehicles, under the lead of the European Commission. The result of this process is the present report. The parts of the Regulation for which an interpretation and/or examples and references have been provided have been identified by the stakeholders involved in the process. In the future, the work will continue to include additional parts of the Regulation as well as to strengthen and consolidate the parts dealt with in the present report in the light of the evidence that will be gathered by the application of the Regulation.

Autonomous Car Sales Will Surge By 2035

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According to a report from IHS Automotive, the number of self-driving vehicles on roads worldwide is expected to grow to 21 million by 2035.

Questions? You’re Covered

We are here to provide you with an accurate autonomous vehicle test result, the test result will be official and detailed.

Autonomous vehicles work by using a range of technologies to perceive their environment and make decisions. Sensors, cameras, and radars collect information about the road and surroundings. This data is combined with GPS and map data to determine the vehicle’s location and the objects around it. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms process this data to decide how the vehicle should move and send the necessary commands to the vehicle’s control system to navigate.

Autonomous vehicles offer numerous advantages, including reducing traffic accidents, improving fuel efficiency, decreasing traffic congestion, and making transportation more accessible. Additionally, autonomous vehicles can enhance the quality of life for disabled individuals and the elderly by providing them with independent mobility options.

Testing autonomous vehicles is crucial for ensuring their safety and reliability. These tests evaluate how the vehicles perform under real-world conditions, including various scenarios, weather conditions, and traffic situations. Testing helps identify software bugs and sensor calibration issues, ensuring that the vehicles can handle unexpected situations. This process is vital to confirm that autonomous vehicles are safe and secure before they are allowed on the roads.

Cybersecurity is critical for autonomous vehicles because they continuously collect, process, and share data. Ensuring the security of this data is essential for the safe and reliable operation of the vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are vulnerable to malicious attacks, which could lead to the vehicle being hijacked, personal data being stolen, or causing traffic accidents. Therefore, cybersecurity measures, including software security, data encryption, regular security updates, and protection mechanisms against cyberattacks, are essential to safeguard these vehicles.

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